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"Tu agente de Seguros"

Frayma Arellano

Welcome to my Family!

This is the first thing I say to my clients as we begin our relationship of support and company towards protecting their finances and health.

When I arrived in the United States from Venezuela I got close to what I really like: helping.

xxxI have a degree in International Commerce and worked many years in the Oil Industry before starting my career as an Insurance Agent.

Promuevo el respeto y el valor entre mi cominidad, familia y conmigo misma, para ofrecer siempre lo mejor.

Conoce a tu Asesora:

*Agradezco a Dios cada dia la oportunidad de estar

*Agradezco a Dios cada dia la oportunidad de estar

*Disfruto tiempo libre entrenando y atendiendo a mi hermosa Familia.


"Tu agente de Seguros"

Frayma Arellano

Welcome to my Family!

This is the first thing I say to my clients as we begin our relationship of support and company towards protecting their finances and health.

When I arrived in the United States from Venezuela I got close to what I really like: helping.

xxxI have a degree in International Commerce and worked many years in the Oil Industry before starting my career as an Insurance Agent.

Promuevo el respeto y el valor entre mi cominidad, familia y conmigo misma, para ofrecer siempre lo mejor.

Conoce a tu Asesora:

*Agradezco a Dios cada dia la oportunidad de estar

*Agradezco a Dios cada dia la oportunidad de estar

*Disfruto tiempo libre entrenando y atendiendo a mi hermosa Familia.

Telephone: (954) 618-7774

¿Necesitas un Seguro que te de tranquilidad y confianza?

Entérate Aquí

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